Wednesday, January 20, 2021

I n t r o d u c t i o n

    Hello my name is Maribel Ybarra. Maribel is what I prefer to be called. This is my first semester at CSU. I transferred from Pueblo Community College. Technically, I am starting out as a Junior here at CSU. I am majoring in Psychology and I am minoring in Art. I hope to pursue a career towards clinical psychology and/or marriage and family therapy. I hope to be able to incorporate art into my field of study which is why I chose it as my minor. I have a 5 year old son named Castiel, which means I have a pretty hectic schedule, but it is worth it! Some of my favorite hobbies or interests include spending time with my son, reading, painting, sketching, watching movies, playing video games, going to concerts, or trying out new recipes to cook at home. Otherwise, I am at home or visiting my friends and family. Another art class I have taken is Art Appreciation at Pueblo Community College. I enjoyed the class a lot and I was really surprised how much elements and principles are considered when creating and/or studying art. I do not think I have a favorite artist or a favorite artwork because I feel that I have a lot more to discover and learn about before I can choose just one or a few. Nonetheless, I do have certain styles that I admire such as French Baroque, Italian Renaissance, Art Nouveau, and Surrealism. I look forward to this class and cannot wait to learn more. 

1 comment:

  1. I think it is really cool that you want to go into clinical psych., I always found the profession to be very interesting. I hope you'll be able to find a way to incorporate your passion for art into it.
